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Image by Yen Vu

Reflecting on the Last 12 Months

Writer's picture: Jasleni BritoJasleni Brito
There’s something about welcoming in a new year that creates a sense of renewal, freshness, and opportunity. That energy is heightened even more by everyone around the world embracing this feeling, as if we’re all hitting the “reset button” together.

I love using this energy to plan ahead and set myself up for another exciting new year. Before I whip out my vision board supplies and I start planning and plotting, I like to take a moment in late December or early January to reflect on the last 12 months by asking myself a few questions:

  • Are there any areas in which my perspective changed?

  • What did I really enjoy doing? What fueled me with energy?

  • What felt depleting for me?

  • Who were the people who inspired and motivated me? Who had the opposite effect?

  • What did I hold back on because of fear?

  • What are some things I wish I would have done differently?

  • What did I do really well and would love to do more of?

  • What were my top 3 lessons?

If you're obsessed with journals, sketchbooks, and planners like me, then this is a perfect opportunity to start a new year introspection journal where you can start off by answering these questions. The aim is to get grounded on what worked really well for you last year and what you'd like to invite more of this year.

Take your time with this. Perhaps go to a coffee shop and have a private date for yourself where you can reflect with compassion and an open mind.

Once you've reflected on these questions, I recommend doing planning for this new year using the tools below!

Here are some other tools you might find useful!


If you would like support in manifesting your wild and magical desires both personally and in business then join the Glow Getters Club!


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